
Our BPM&O model

The model for analyzing, planning, and managing process-oriented companies 

Based on the 7-S model developed by the scientists Richard Pascale, Anthony Athos, Tom Peters, and Robert Aterman and our own experience, we have developed a system model for the holistic analysis of process-oriented companies. In contrast to the functional organizational structure, process-oriented company management focuses on the company processes. The BPM&O model serves as a mental model for the analysis, planning, and management of process-oriented companies and consists of governance, organization, methods, skills, technology, and culture. 

BPM&O-Modell Grafik

BPM&O model graphic


The BPM&O model briefly explained 

Alongside the 7 basic elements, the discipline of organizational development is the main driver that keeps the targeted development of the organization going. It supports continuous reflection on the status quo in the company and accompanies the implementation of planned organizational changes. 

There is a close mutual relationship between the different elements of the BPM&O model. All elements are equally important. It should be noted that an isolated change to individual elements without considering the links to other elements in the model can lead to subsequent problems. If a company fails to consider one of the elements, it is of no help if the others are exemplary. A holistic approach is a key lever for the sustainable implementation of changes and development steps. 

Possible applications of the BPM&O model 

We use the BPM&O model as a valuable tool in various project situations. 

When establishing a process-oriented organization, we use the model to analyze the initial state of the organization to determine the measures required to develop process orientation. Once process orientation has already been established to a certain degree, further necessary developments and changes to the organization can be aligned with the BPM&O model to ensure sustainable and effective implementation. 

The BPM&O model supports the analysis of the current state of your organization and helps you to define your desired goal and to define and plan the necessary adjustments. 

Would you like more information about our BPM&O model or its use as a management tool? Then get in touch with us! 

Your contact person

Foto Dirk

Dirk Pohla

Member of the Executive Board

cpos 2023 Decorative graphics Decorative graphics

We support you with your process management

  • Our experienced consultants, coaches and trainers support you in reviewing and optimising internal processes
  • We develop customised solutions that fit your challenges and get you to your goal
  • We empower your employees and managers and establish process knowledge in your organisation

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