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BPM&O Academy

Discover flexible learning paths in process management 

At the BPM&O Academy, we offer you a wide range of opportunities for further training in the field of process management (BPM) and organizational development. Our expertise goes beyond consulting and coaching and encompasses various training programs. Whether through seminars, online training, or customized in-house training courses and learning journeys – we share our comprehensive knowledge of process management with you. All offers are designed to strengthen and advance you and your organization in BPM – always in line with our guiding principle: Enabling BPM. And People. 

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Our topics

Digitize and automate processes

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Process oriented customer journey mapping

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Transform organizations

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Process modelling with BPMN 2.0

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E-Learning “Process Management Basics”

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E-Learning “Operational Process Management”

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Our academy offer

CPOs Bühne 2024

Certificate programmes with TÜV certificate

Our certificate programs offer you structured learning paths that can be flexibly adapted to your needs (in german only).


Open seminars

Our open seminars offer you a comprehensive range of learning opportunities on the subject of process management and organizational developm



Are you interested in flexible learning on the subject of process management? Our BPM&O e-learning platform offers you the ideal solution.

Get in touch with us!


Ariane Möller

Managing Director


Corinna Weimer

Academy Management